Yin yoga is an incredible practice.

It’s simple and soothing, but the effects on the body and mind are profound.

As opposed to an energetic, ‘yang’ yoga practice, such as vinyasa, (which works muscles through dynamic, repetitive movements to build strength and endurance), yin yoga is a still practice that utilizes static, relaxed holds of poses to target connective tissues.

These are tendons, ligaments, joints, and fascia (the network of connective tissue that surrounds and encapsulates the other tissues (such as muscles and organs) in our body.

These connective tissues are where we hold the most tension, stiffness and rigidity. So, yin yoga is the most effective way to build flexibility in the body.

Physical stiffness is really just a result of energy being blocked from flowing, like a hose that has a kink in it and therefore cannot permit water to move through. 


So, yin yoga uses physical poses to access the energy body, and gentle encourage the energy to flow, permitting the release of tension. As with all styles of yoga, yin yoga also works on the mind; it encourages deep relaxation and a sense of tranquillity.

You can practice yin yoga anytime! It’s great if you feel stiff in the morning, but is also a wonderful way to unwind after a busy day.

I’ve put together this class to specifically target the spine; it’s been said that you’re only as young as your spine is flexible!

Many of us spend our days sitting behind a desk, and our evenings seated on the sofa. Our spines get stiff and rigid, and these effects radiate out through the rest of our bodies.               


This practice will help bring mobility back into your back!

There are 6 ways your spine can move:

  • Forward folding/ flexion
  • Backbending/ extension
  • Lateral stretch on the left
  • Lateral stretch on the right
  • Twisting to the left
  • Twisting to the right

In this class, we will explore all 6 ways of moving the spine. If you don’t have time for a full practice, don’t worry! Just pick a couple of poses, and do those. I recommend choosing one forward fold, one extension, and either the lateral stretch or twist, if you’re short on time.

Remember: doing something is better than nothing.

One pose is better than none!    


ॐ Namaste.